I've decided to do a segment today on 'Things We Shouldn't Do, But Do Anyways' Because I feel like there are plenty of these, I've given this one the disclaimer of 'Episode 1'.
There are lots of things in life that we shouldn't do, but do regardless. However, I'm not just going to go on a raving rant about sin and it's dominance in this life, because Christ already got our backs on that one, so it's not worth talking about. So, this is NOT going to be a huge list of things to never ever do because they're BAD and the rules say NO and you are a horrid gourd-head if you do them. Promise. Instead, I'm writing about things that we slide into and just, really honestly wish we hadn't.
Today's topic?
Creeping On Your Loved Ones via The Internet
MMM. Yeah.
I failed at not doing this tonight. And I believe I will suffer for it.
One of the lamesauce things about the inter-web is that it has eternal memory. ETERNAL. I'm convinced my Myspace 'About Me' is still floating out in some internet black-hole of 'deleted data'.
There are some things about people, whether it's past relationships, past experiences,
or just general past mistakes that we shouldn't go looking for. Even if it begins as innocently as wanting to see a little farther back into their history on Facebook. If these things are vital to your relationship with this loved one, trust me, they will let you know. They will NOT, however, give you access to pictures, videos, posts, info, or any of the other things that can torment you. Because we fall so quickly to other bits of information and before we know it, we are drowning in information about this other person your loved one has become.
There are no great strangers more haunting than the people we once were.
So the next time you ponder 'getting to know someone better' by looking at their website wall or history, you should re-ponder. Forgetting is so terribly hard, when we humans love so terribly much and fall so terribly hard into reality.
Goodness. That's a bit depressing. Apologies reader.
The next one of these will be about giving up on socks missing their mates or something.
I hope your holidays were grand, and that your present is one that makes you wish not for the holidays.
One Last Thing:
Leslie. You post the most hilarious videos. Also, I love you.